Becoming A Great Friend
Friendship can be easy for some and extremely difficult for others. Back when I was in college I had lots of friends that I experienced life with, or so I thought. Sometime during my junior year, my roommate confronted me with some hard facts about my “friendships”. “Terry,” he said, “You have lots of acquaintance but you really don’t have any friends.” I didn’t understand what he was talking about then but later in life when I felt alone and learned why I was reminded of what he said. I had dozens of shallow friendships but I didn’t have any true friends. The biblical book of Ecclesiastes shares the importance of having close friends:
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NLT) – Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.
Last year I was introduced to a book by Dr. John Townsend, “How to be a Best Friend Forever.” It’s a fast read with lots of great principles on how to develop deep friendships for life (something I lacked in my college years). Now, I have several deep friendships. If you are feeling alone in life I would recommend getting the book “How to be a Best Friend Forever” and applying the principles in it to your life. You might need to take a risk and join a small group at a local church or reach out to a community group. Bottom line; We All Need Friendships.
Series Links
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- Improving Relationships Part 1:
- Improving Relationships Part 2:
- Improving Relationships Part 3:
- Improving Relationships Part 4: