Your desire for comfort is KILLING your desire to accomplish your goals.
You will never reach your goals while you try to be comfortable.
INSTEAD, consider the famous U.S. Marine quote:
Embrace the Suck
Start getting comfortable being uncomfortable.
What does that mean?
Ask yourself, “What kind of comfort do I crave?” or “What do I go to when I am stressed or anxious?”
- food
- clothing
- shopping
- hidden addiction
- sleep
- warmth
- phone apps
- other items
Once you have identified your go-to comfort escape, flip and do the opposite.
If food is your thing, try a 24-hour fast.
If sleep is your thing, get out of bed earlier for a week.
If warmth is your thing, spend some time in the cold.
Get used to being UN-Comfortable!
This will re-work the neuron paths in your brain, which will allow you to stay focused on the hard work of staying focused on your goal work.
It’s time to go to battle against comfort. It’s killing your desire to level up in life.
Have you got Questions? Please reach out! I want to help you crush your goals!