“Leaders are readers.” John Maxwell (The Enjoy Life Club)
August 1998, Hagerstown, Maryland
“Terry, I will give you a $20 bonus for every book you read (and write a one-page book report) this school year. You can read up to 10 books.”
I was in my first job after college serving as a high school social studies and Bible teacher. The school administrator (Bill Wyand) was my supervisor and mentor. I was a young guy full of ideas and energy, but I needed direction and guidance. Bill gave me that guidance when he challenged me to read books and listen to audiotapes of leadership lessons and sermons. I served at the school for 4 years and I never missed an opportunity to earn money by reading.
Leaders Are Readers.
Psalm 119:1-2 (NLT) Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.
What are you reading?
I read three types of books on a regular basis. The Bible or books on Biblical topics, coaching or leadership books, and biographies or inspirational type books.
I’m a slow reader, so I have two tricks to read more books. First, I use Audible and listen to the book. I enjoy taking a day each month to go on a drive and listen to audiobooks. Because my only agenda that day is to drive (no real destination), I feel free to pull over and take notes on what I’m listening to or expound on the ideas.
A second way that I have learned to read books faster includes the Audible app, I will buy the audiobook and a hard copy of the same book. Then I will listen to the book at 1.5x the normal speed while I visually read the book. In this way, I get multiple senses involved in the reading process (sight, sound, and feel).
What books will you read this year?
What are your favorite types of books?
Is there a problem you need to solve in your life? There’s probably a book for that.
Do you have an area of life you need to grow in?
Finally, what are some of your book recommendations you can share with me?
Leaders are readers.
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21 Blog Post in 21 Days
Day 2, December 7, 2021