Psalm 19:14 (NLT) – May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
There seems to be two ways we can approach mindfulness. We can get to the end of the day and reflect on the highs and lows of our life; and then go back and repair the mistakes we made with people/relationships. This is definitely appropriate.
We can be mindful as we approach our day. Making a commitment to make the next right decision. Sure, we will fail from time to time and will need to go back and repair those mistakes (that’s what an adult would do). But we must be MINDFUL of each decision we make. Is the next decision I make what is best (for me only or for me and others)?
Being mindful of our decision-making process begins with a character that is fully integrated and developed.
Let’s Talk About That
Let’s talk about your character and how to make wise decisions. Call today to schedule your Life Coaching Session with Terry (in the Traverse City Office, over the phone or online in a Zoom Conference Room). Terry will help you cut through the clutter of life to get un-stuck.
Call: 231-499-9069