We are five weeks away from the New Year (2016) and it’s time to leverage these last few days of 2015 so that the New Year will be SUCCESSFUL. The best way I can think of JUMP STARTING in 2016 is through some extended Bible reading. If your life is anything like mine then you know that the month of December can be a little more stressful (gifts, budgets, guests, parties, un-met expectations, year-end to-do-lists, etc…), and with more stress comes more opportunities to blow it… (with family, friends or self). That why I’m suggesting the New Testament Challenge.
Psalm 119:9-11 (NASB)
How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word. With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments. Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.
Starting on December 1st make a commitment to read the entire New Testament in the month. It might seem daunting but it really is an attainable goal. Here are a few simple steps to help you reach your goal.
- Buy a new, New Testament Bible in a translation you usually don’t read. Reading a different translation will help you retain the familiar passages better without skimming through them.
- Once you have your new Bible go to the last page and divide the number of pages in the Bible by 31. The answer is the number of page you will need to read each day. I like to round up and read a page or two extra each day because I know there will be a few days that I’ll forget to read.
- Keep a pen/highlighter handy. As you read, be sure to highlight and make notes in the Bible about spiritual truths that stick out to you. Also, if you read something that you don’t understand simply put a question make next to the passage and come back to it later.
- Tell a friend to join you and/or keep you accountable to your goal.
So, why read the NT Through in a month?
You will be amazed at how much you learn from God’s Word as you read large tracks of scripture at a time. You will be able to see the flow of the Gospels and observe deeper truths of the teachings of Christ as you read chunks of Scripture at a time. You will have to manage your time to free up moments to read the Bible for extended periods – you will have to give up something that might be meaningless in order to add something meaningful to your life this December.
So What’s keeping you from taking the challenge?
I remember the first time I did the NT Challenge I did great all month till the week of Christmas. After Christmas, I had to set aside a few hours in order to finish up on time. I didn’t regret it one bit. I went to the local mall, grabbed an extra-large cup of coffee, and found a place to camp out for a while. I read, journaled, and prayed for a few hours while others were busy returning un-wanted Christmas gifts. I don’t say that last sentence to imply I’m better than them – but only to say that I was lost in my reading while others were lost in their shopping.
Will you do it? Send me a direct message to let me know you are up for the challenge and continue to send me updates as God reveals the truth to you.
Happy reading.