Three Keys for Clarifying Your Life Purpose

Terry Porter is an Executive Life Coach. Working with clients to clarify and pursue their life dreams.
Ben is a middle manager at Stream Corp. He has been struggling with a decision to either move up in the company, move out to a new position at a different company, or “play it safe” and stay where he is. The BIG ISSUE is Ben is not happy with where he is in life (both relationally and professionally).
When Ben hired me to be his Executive Life Coach, he wanted to work through the decision-making process of what to do with his career. As we got into the coaching engagement, I discovered that Ben is over-extended in several areas of life, causing him to be unfocused and unproductive (in all key areas).
During a session, Ben and I reviewed a principle that has its foundation in the Bible: pruning or cutting away. Ben realized there were areas of his life he had to start pruning or saying NO to so he could have the life he wanted to live. Here are the three areas:
I Need to Prune the Good
Good things refer to items in our life that are GOOD. It could be a mindless time waster or hobby. It could be how we spend our money or the activities we pursue. Here’s an example from my life. I used to LOVE college football; it’s not a bad thing. However, I discovered (for me) that I needed to learn to say NO to the amount of time I gave to it. I took an entire season off of watching it (I did the same thing with Fantasy football too). There is nothing wrong with Fantasy football or following college (or even pro) football. However, during a season in my life, I needed to PRUNE it to REACH the great goals I wanted to achieve.
I Need to Prune the Un-Healthy
Unhealthy things refer to sinful acts or character-damaging habits in our life. It could be a secret pleasure that nobody knows about or the inability to grieve a negative reality in life, so we tend to medicate it somehow. When we don’t prune the unhealthy, we typically end up depressed, unmotivated, and stuck in negative behavior.
I Need to Prune the Dead
The dead are the old childhood habits that need to be cut away and burned out of our life. It could be the inability to say NO to a parent (as an adult). It could be not speaking up for yourself in the presence of other adults (maybe with your spouse). It could be staying stuck in a job we hate out of fear or laziness (it’s your responsibility to take a risk, hone your skills and improve your marketability).
Dream Big
Ben took time to evaluate his life and determine what he really wanted. Through the process, he had to say NO to some good things, NO to some sinful patterns, and NO to some childish behavior. These three areas kept Ben from seeing his BIG PICTURE and LIFE PURPOSE. Today, Ben is crushing it in his career and his relationships.
What are the good things keeping you from having a GREAT life?
What unhealthy habits are stealing your time and energy from pursuing your life dream?
What in your life is dead, yet you keep returning to it, just like you did as a child? It’s time to GROW UP and make adult decisions.
NOTE: Ben is a fictional character; however, his struggles are similar to those of many of my clients.