Discipline Boot Camp | Be An Expert, See An Expert
Hey guys, thanks for checking out the blog today and learning how to add a little more discipline to your life. I really believe that if we were honest with ourselves everyone would agree that they could use more...
Read moreGod With Us
I admit I don’t have life figured out. Many times I get stressed in relationships, parenting, as a husband, as a pastor, with my finances, and/or in leadership. What’s more, most of the time I find myself trying to...
Read moreSpiritual Life Growth & Chicken Tacos
Here is the message I gave at Bible Baptist Church from the Biblical Book of 2 Peter. In this message I talk about the steps to spiritual growth and how to make great chicken tacos. Check it out!
Read moreLeaders Are Readers
Each year I try to read at least 3 or four new books (I set a goal to read 12 books in a year – but usually come up several short). This year is no different; I have set...
Read moreImproving Your Relationships (Pt4)
How to Build Healthy Friendships: A Blueprint for Stronger Relationships Friendships are one of life’s greatest gifts, but building healthy, lasting relationships requires intentionality, effort, and personal growth. Too often, we drift through life expecting deep friendships to just...
Read moreEveryone Has A Story
Everyone Has A Story. They may want to share that story or that story might be what is holding them back in life. What’s your story? What is consuming the majority of your thoughts? Are you ignoring your own...
Read moreWhat Type of Fruit Are You Producing?
Matthew 7:17-20 (NLT) A good tree produces good fruit, and a bad tree produces bad fruit. A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit. So every tree that does not produce good...
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