Have you ever been stuck in a rut in life? Maybe in a relationship, or a job, or even in your personal life? Some time ago I wrote about how to live an Extraordinary life and you can read it HERE. Today, I want to share a few of the ingredients from the Bible that will jump-start REAL Life Change. We will find it in Galatians 6:1 Check it out…
Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.
The foundational building blocks for any life change is going to be GRACE (someone is for me and wants the best for me) and TRUTH (the reality of who I am).
Once we have a steady diet of GRACE and TRUTH from others we can make dramatic, personal life changes.
In the verse above there are a few elements where we see GRACE and TRUTH.
Consider the element of GRACE first:
- Brothers and Sisters refers to both family of origin and family of God relationships. It is healthy, loving, and accepting. These people are for me and want the best for me.
- Gently and Humbly refers to the approach of the confrontation. It’s a stance of I am for the other person and I want the other person to have the best life possible. This is my approach when I coach my clients. This is my approach as a pastor. This is my approach as a father and husband.
Now, what about TRUTH…
- You who are Godly refers to having examined my own life first before confronting someone else. Matthew 7:4 and Romans 12:3 would support this as well.
- The right path refers to the truth of God’s word; Psalms 1 and 119, and the Book of Proverbs would be great places to consider in finding the right path.
Let’s Reverse It!
I’m sure we can all think of that sibling, relative, or friend that God is “calling” us to correct; however, let’s make this even more powerful. In the Biblical book of James chapter 4, the half-brother of Jesus tells us to humble ourselves before God and in chapter 5 he tells us to confess our sins to others.
So, I suggest that before we begin confronting others on their sins that we see in their life; that instead, we humble ourselves, examine our own life and confess our sins TO others. This will require humility and courage.
Take the Step
Examine your life and share what you find. Or for even more truth, ask for feedback from others on your life. Ask your “brothers and sisters” to share with you where they see the potential for growth.
And listen to them, knowing that they are for you and want the best for you.
There’s More!
I want to coach YOU to life change and life GROWTH. Do you want to see growth in a specific area of your life (your marriage or another relationship, a personal goal, or growth in your professional life)? Call me today to set up your consultation meeting (it’s free). We can meet in-person at my Traverse City office or online.
- Call: 231-499-9069
- Email: talk@terry-porter.com
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