Leaders Build Trust
Why is Trust Important? Trust is the glue that keeps relationships together and moving forward. Without trust, relationships fall apart, grind to a stop, explode, implode, fizzle out etc. You get the picture. Trust is vital to relationships. But...
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Leadership Identity Characteristics What do you do when you look in the mirror and realize you hate the person who is looking at you? As an adult, you realize you have an identity issue, and you better solve it...
Read moreLeaders Are Likable
How can Leaders Become Likable? “We will work harder and more effectively for people we like, and we will like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel.” (Kouzes and Posner) Leaders need to be likable. However,...
Read moreLeaders Connect
“Leadership is a relationship between those who aspire to lead and those who choose to follow. There may have been a time when leaders could command commitment, but those times are long past.” (Kouzes and Posner) Leadership today (in...
Read moreLeaders Say Thank You
The Super-Trooper Award During the summer of 1993 (just after my Freshman year of college), I served as a camp counselor in Northern Michigan. I had a blast that summer serving God, doing ministry with about 50 other college...
Read moreLeaders Lead Themselves
How Do Leaders Lead Themselves? “People like us do things like this.” Seth Godin “I will do today what I can do today to enable me to do tomorrow what I cannot do today.” Craig Groeschel Successful leaders can...
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How to Get to the Next Level as a Leader: Your best wisdom got you to this point in your leadership (with your family, your career, and in your personal life). So, assess where you are at right now....
Read moreLeaders Teach
What an Inspirational Leader Looks Like Ken Rudolph is one of my all-time favorite preachers because he is genuine and transparent in his teaching/preaching style. I will always remember my first summer at Lake Ann Camp, sitting under his...
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“Leaders are readers.” John Maxwell (The Enjoy Life Club) August 1998, Hagerstown, Maryland “Terry, I will give you a $20 bonus for every book you read (and write a one-page book report) this school year. You can read up...
Read moreLeaders Serve
Leaders Serve Do you want to be successful? I know you do. As a parent, a pastor, or ministry leader, you want to be successful in your vocation or part-time job, hobbies, or personal life. Successful leadership is not...
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