God Will Make A Way
Think of a time when you were so confused in life that you almost felt paralyzed to even think about taking a step forward. In fact, it was not even clear which way you were to step. What did...
Read moreBe An Expert
Being an Expert. My two oldest children are off to camp this week; both are teenagers. The night before they left I took them out to dinner to give them the “dad talk.” I don’t do this often enough...
Read moreThe 4 Disciplines of Execution
This is a Book Summary of The 4 Disciplines of Execution In life and business, we want so badly to reach major goals and milestones. However, it seems within a few weeks of setting our Wildly Important Goals (WIGs)...
Read moreA Proven Secret for Success
I don’t believe in magic bullets, I want to, but I know it will leave me empty-handed. If you’re unsure what a magic bullet is, it’s the belief that there is a shortcut to success. A free pass for...
Read moreWhat Is the Responsible Thing To Do?
What Is the Responsible Thing To Do? In a time of crisis, we find ourselves asking, “What is the responsible thing to do?” It might not be phrased exactly like that, but in some way, we ask and then...
Read moreGod Answers Prayer
How God Answers Prayer Welcome Back Guys, Thanks so much for checking out my post on Living an Extraordinary Life. This is the 5th post in a series of 8 or 9 that I have been providing since the...
Carry Your Backpack Hey Guys, Thanks so much for checking out my post on Living an Extraordinary Life. We are halfway through the series and today’s topic is all about what we ARE responsible for. If you missed the...
Read moreThe Ingredients of REAL Life Change
Have you ever been stuck in a rut in life? Maybe in a relationship, or a job, or even in your personal life? Some time ago I wrote about how to live an Extraordinary life and you can read...
Read moreLiving An Extraordinary Life
Living An Extraordinary Life In one short week, everyone’s life in America has changed drastically. What’s more, the changes that will be coming in the days ahead will increase, I suspect, at an exponential rate. So, I would like...
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