Life is full of emotional UPs and DOWNs. In a moment, we can switch from being peaceful to critical as we navigate the complexities of life around us.
I was on a rollercoaster just yesterday as I was working with multiple banks (out of state), time pressures, spotty internet issues, a low battery on my cell phone, and numerous relationships as I was trying to secure a bank loan. I worked out, and I did stay happy (for the most part) as I worked through the process.
During the process, God spoke to my heart; “Terry, give IT away.”
And I obeyed.
What was the IT? I cannot tell you. IT was something specific that God asked me to give away. IT was a sacrifice for me of time and money. IT was a test from God, and IT; when I gave IT away brought happiness.
What is your “IT” that you can give away?
A 201o study by the University of Utah discovered that there is a connection between giving and happiness. But the happiness only comes when we have the freedom to give; that is, it is our choice. So, I choose happiness, so I will choose to be a giver.
Want to be happy, even when life is stressful and complicated? Choose to be a giver and give IT away.