Dealing With An Attitude of Entitlement
How do you Deal with an Attitude of Entitlement? Saturday started normal enough until I started feeling angry at other family members because I didn’t get my way. Yeah, that’s me, the 50-year-old life coach dealing with a personal...
Read moreLeaders Recharge
Leaders Need to Recharge: Pastors are leaving the ministry. Consider these stats (compiled by Shepherds Watchmen, August 11, 2019) 1,500 clergy leave the ministry each month 61% of congregations have forced a pastor to leave 83% of clergy spouses...
Read moreLeaders Follow A Process
Leaders Follow A Process I love watching college football for several reasons; first, it is exciting to see great teams play a challenging game of grit at a high level of excellence (I love watching Tom Brady, the GOAT,...
Read moreLeaders Develop Leaders
Leaders Develop Leaders When I started in student ministry, I was insecure as a leader. I didn’t have a clear identity of who I was as a man, and I didn’t have a developed internal character. So, my leadership...
Read moreLeaders Guide the Vision
Who Creates the Vision of an Organization? A misconception in leadership is that the leader MUST come up with the vision for the organization. Vision developing or creating might happen from time to time. However, in the best organizations,...
Read moreLeaders Look Ahead
What is the Difference Between Leaders and Managers? “Leading people vs Managing work. Management consists of controlling a group or a set of entities to accomplish a goal. Leadership refers to an individual’s ability to influence, motivate, and enable...
Read moreLeaders Have Values
What it looks like to not live by your values: Have you ever had a bad day that could have been avoided if you had only lived out some simple life values? Yeah, I’ve been there. I was coming...
Read moreLeaders Have An Identity
Leadership Identity Characteristics What do you do when you look in the mirror and realize you hate the person who is looking at you? As an adult, you realize you have an identity issue, and you better solve it...
Read moreLeaders Are Likable
How can Leaders Become Likable? “We will work harder and more effectively for people we like, and we will like them in direct proportion to how they make us feel.” (Kouzes and Posner) Leaders need to be likable. However,...
Read moreIs It Time To Make a Change In Life?
The board meeting began at 7:30am, in the church conference room, on a Friday morning. I started the meeting with a short statement that I read and included, “I resign.” That was it. Eighteen years at one ministry, and...
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